So that happened: 2009 is coming to an end, but for me this is not the New Year. It doesn't feel like the beginning of the year to me. It has always felt like this awkward holiday in the middle. Where people pretend to start over. Really for me, my new year starts in August. Mostly because of the school year, but now as an adult it's because my favorite planner starts in August and so does the theater season. Somehow the end of summer and the beginning of fall begins the new year. Summer is over and with it's passing it takes away the carefree attitude and ushers in a serious "back to work" one.
Here is how the "2009" year breaks down:
January: Moved to part-time at PCS, begin part-time at Windermere. How to Disappear-dramaturg, Fertile Ground-Krishna's Folly
February: not much-it went by rather fast
March: Spring Break with Kristan in NY
April: Let go from PCS, and I turned 25, continue part-time at Windermere
May: Fly to Providence to see Endgame
June: Third Rail Workshop
July: Begin rehearsal for The Bullet Round, attended JAW
August: The Bullet Round Opens & Closes
September: Rehearse Fool for Love
October: Fool for Love Opens
November: Watch the entire 6 seasons of MI-5, begin working for Linda, visit Kristan for Thanksgiving
December: Watch a lot of Criminal Minds, read scripts, Kristan home for Hamlet
Not too bad. A pretty eventful year if you ask me! Learned a lot about myself and my chosen profession.
But in reality, my year started in August, so it's not fully complete until next August. I am rather curious what 2010 has in store for me...
I make resolutions all year round, so making one tonight isn't special. But here it goes: I would like to take Joey on an hour walk every morning, which would mean getting up at 7am. Can I do it? You all know I love to sleep. Go to Yoga 2-3 times a week. And read more scripts.
Coming to a January 2010 near you, Megan finally gets her Real Estate License. Finally. (maybe)