Home stretch! Above is a picture of me enjoy my dinner break picnic in my car during Gatz.
Claude Wampler: I really liked her video instillation. It looked like ghosts playing, such a cool effect. I thought it went on a little long and there were so many plants that I felt like I was not invited to the party. I felt left out. Maybe that was what I was supposed to feel.
Ten Tiny Dances: What a treat. I had never seen them before, but I'm hooked. I thought everyone did such a nice job and I can't wait until next time.
Elevator Repair Service-Gatz: Amazing. Totally totally amazing. It really is incredible that an audience will sit through a 7 hour show. I was exhausted afterwards but I it was engaging the whole time. I never got bored or tired. That says a lot about Fitzgerald's writing and ERS's performance. The man who played Nick had the perfect speaking voice for the part. Even when it was just him on stage he was magnificent. So different than books on tape, a real theatrical experience. If you get a chance to see them you totally should.
What a fabulous festival...I'm totally inspired.
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